Selecting Fleets in the Scanner pane

More about Scanning

Playing Stars!

Fleets in orbit are indicated by a circle around the planet. To select a fleet in orbit:

1.        Right click on the planet in the Scanner pane.

2.        Select the enemy fleet from the popup list.

Follow the same procedure to select a fleet from a group in deep space.

If you own the ship, it appears in the Command pane.

Enemy Fleet Summaries and Estimated Paths

The Scanner displays the estimated path of a selected enemy fleet as a line with the fleet triangle pointing in the approximate direction of travel. Tick marks appear on the line indicating how far the fleet will move in a year at its current speed. The enemy fleet summary appears in the Selection Summary pane.

Using the fleet summary and the path, you can guess at the location of an opponent's origin and what type of activities they're up to. For example, if you select a fleet of attack ships, you can meet them in battle, and have a better idea of where those attack fleets are coming from and thus, where to aim your own big guns, or lay minefields. If the selected fleets tend to be scouts, miners or colonists, you'll have a clue to their strategy and possible needs.